2018年4月16日 星期一

2181970 - tp ended with error code 0200 or 0208

在測試區(非QAS)上面要import CR遇到這個問題。
因為測試區的 /usr/sap/trans是獨立的,沒有NFS到DEV上面,所以才會找不到 DEV的 TP_DOMAIN_DEV.PFL,複製過來並且更改權限後就可以運作了。

STMS does not import the transport requests.


SAP Netweaver release independent.

Reproducing the Issue

  • Schedule the auto import job in STMS, check the Alert view and find the following error:
When double clicking in the message TP_REPORTED_ERROR you have the following information:


  • The error points to a missing "TP_DOMAIN_<sid>.PFL" file in the DIR_TRANS\bin directory.
  • This can be caused if the system has more than one server and they do not point to the same transport directory (DIR_TRANS).


  • The transport directory must be correctly configured and point to the DIR_TRANS\bin where file "TP_DOMAIN_<sid>.PFL" exists.
  • Make sure parameter DIR_TRANS defined for each server points to the same transport directory. Check it with your operation system administrator or check it in the SAP systemas follow:
    • To check if all servers point to the same transport directory, execute the following steps:
  1. Open transaction SM51;
  2. Logon to the first server (Ctrl + Shift + F8);
  3. Open transaction AL11; 
  4. Double click in the transport directory (DIR_TRANS);
  5. Open directory tmp (if it is empty, open another directory like log);
  6. In a new window repeat steps 1 to 5 for each server available in SM51;
  7. Now compare the files you see in each AL11 opened and make sure they all the same to guarantee all the servers point to the same transport directory.

See Also

SAP Note 814639 - Transport requests disappear from the buffer;
SAP Note 1788821 - Cannot view transport logs for system B whilst in system A


TMS_TP_IMPORT, tp, 0200, transport control program tp ended with error code 020, XT200, 0208, TK094, Your transport request could not be exported, since all requirements were not fulfilled.
Product or Product Version
SAP NetWeaver all versions
This document is referenced by

2018年4月1日 星期日

Client Copy

Local Client Copy
1. 使用SCC4 建立target client
2. 確認profile parameter "login/no_automatic_user_sapstar" = 0
使用sap*/pass登入target client
3. 指定source client,選定customizing data, application data and user master records
4. 使用背景程式執行client copy

1.為了確保data consistency, 不要進入target client 操作,最好source client也不要使用
2.如果使用全新client,可以從cloent 000 複製過去
3. 如果要增進效能,可以從 (menu) Edit => Export Settings 排除tables or packages,關於Export Setting,可以參考Note 446485

Remote Client Copy
1. 步驟跟local client copy相同,只差在remote client copy是透過RFC傳送資料
2. 遇到問題請參考Note 557132
3. Remote client copy 另外可以參考Note 47502
4. 如果remote client copy複製all data,在過程中source client 的 table結構如果改變,remote client copy將會因錯誤而終止

Parallel Procesing
1. 使用SCCL (local client copy) 或是 SCC9 (remote cloent copy),接著在(menu) Goto => Parallel Processes 指定平行處理的數目
2. 平行處理無法用在client transports
3. 如果要定義RFC server group,使用SM59,RFC => RFC Groups,其他資訊可以參考Note 99284

Client Transport
Client transport的功能跟local client copy and remote client copy相同,但是不使用RFC
client transport export:
1. 登入source client,使用SCC8,使用profile挑選要複製的資料
2. 指定target system,target system要在TMS中有定義的system
3. 因為執行時間可能會很久,需要使用背景程式跑

在export過程中,會call "tp" 非同步的將資料匯出:
RO<number>: 包含client-independent data
RT<number>: 包含client-specific data
RX<number>: 包含SAP script texts

即使是SCC8已經結束,也不代表export 完成,此時不要執行任何client copy的工具,可以使用SE01檢查export的狀態,並顯示request<SID>KT<NO>的log。
在export過程中,使用SCC3也得不到有用的資訊,因為執行R3trans的export 作業已經結束,反而會得到abort的訊息。

client transport import:
根據選取的client ransport profile 資料型態的不同,以下的client copt command file會被加到target system buffer:
<SID>KO<number>: 包含client-independent data
<SID>KT<number>: 包含client-specific data
<SID>KX<number>: 包含SAP script texts

使用STMS過版client transport request,完成後再登入到target client 使用SCC7做post-import activities。

使用SE09顯示client transport logs

在client transport過程中,使用SCC8的RFC system check按鈕可以check repository consistency。

如何複製large client可以參考Note 489690
估計client size大小可以執行程式RSTABLESIZE